Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Arsis-A Celebration of Guilt (2004)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. The Face of My Innocence
2. Maddening Disdain
3. Seven Whispers Fell Silent
4. Return
5. Worship Depraved
6. Carnal Ways to recreate the heart
7. Dust and Guilt
8. Elegant and Perverse
9. The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters
10. Looking to Nothing
11. Wholly Night


Monday, September 10, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. 46 and 2
2. Stinkfist
3. Eulogy
4. H.
5. Useful Idiot
6. Message to Harry Manback
7. Hooker with a Penis
8. Intermission
9. Jimmy
10. Die Eier Von Satan
11. Pushit
12. Aenima
13. Cesaro Summability
14. (-) Ions
15. Third Eye


Friday, September 7, 2007

Ensiferum-self titled

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Intro
2. Hero in a Dream
3. Token of Time
4. Guardians of Fate
5. Old Man
6. Little Dreamer
7. Abandoned
8. Windrider
9. Treacherous Gods
10. Eternal Wait
11. Battle Song
12. Goblin's Dance


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wednesday 13-Fang Bang

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Morgue than Words
2. American Werewolves in London
3. My Home Sweet Homicide
4. Faith in the Devil
5. Happily Ever Cadaver
6. Curse of Me
7. Haddonfield
8. Too Much Blood
9. Till Death Do Us Party
10. Buried With Children
11. Kill You Before You Kill Me
12. Die Sci-Fi
13. Burn the Flames (bonus track)


Devildriver-Fury of Our Maker's Hand (2005)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. End of the Line
2. Driving Down the Darkness
3. Grinfucked
4. Hold Back the Day
5. Sin and Sacrifice
6. Ripped Apart
7. Pale Horse Apocalypse
8. Just Run
9. Impending Disaster
10. Bear Witness Onto
11. Before the Hangman's Noose
12. Fury of Our Maker's Hand


Friday, August 31, 2007

Arch Enemy-Rise of the Tyrant

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Blood on Your Hands
2. The Last Enemy
3. I Will Live Again
4. In This Shallow Grave
5. Revolution Begins
6. Rise of the Tyrant
7. The Day You Died
8. Intermezzo Liberte
9. Night Falls Fast
10. The Great darkness
11. Vultures


Lordi-The Arockalypse

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. SCG3 Special Report
2. Bringing Back the Balls to Rock
3. Deadite Girls Gone Wild
4. Kids Who Wanna Play with the Dead
5. It Snows in Hell
6. Who's Your Daddy?
7. Hard Rock Hallelujah
8. They Only Come Out at Night
9. Chainsaw Buffet
10. Good to be Vad
11. Night of the Living Dead
12. Supermonsters
13. Would You Love a Monsterman


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Behemoth-The Apostasy

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Rome 64 C.E.
2. Slaying the Prophets of Isa
3. Prometherion
4. At the Left Hand ov God
5. Kriegsphilosophie
6. be Without Fear
7. Arcana Hereticae
8. Inner Sanctum
9. Libertherme
10. Pazuzu
11. Christgrinding Avenue


ChthoniC-Seediq Bale

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Progeny of Rddax Tasing
2. Indigenous Laceration
3. Enthrone
4. Bloody Gaya Fulfilled
5. The Gods Weep
6. Where the Utux Ancestors Wait
7. Exultant Suicide
8. Banished Into Death
9. Quasi Putrefaction


Zonaria-Infamy and the Breed

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Infamy (intro)
2. The Last Endevour
3. Pandemic Assault
4. The Armageddon Anthem
5. Rendered in Vain
6. Image of Myself
7. Evolution Overdose
8. Attending Annihilation
9. Descending into Chaos
10. Ravage the Breed
11. The Black Omen
12. Everything is Wasteland


Gojira-From mars to Sirius (2005)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Ocean Planet
2. Backbone
3. From the Sky
4. Unicorn
5. where Dragons Fall
6. The Heaviest matter of the Universe
7. Flying Whales
8. In the Wilderness
9. World to Come
10. From Mars
11. To Sirius
12. Global Warming


Aeon-Rise to Dominate (2007)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Helel Ben Shachar
2. Spreading Their Disease
3. Living Sin
4. Hate Them
5. You Pray to Nothing
6. Caressed by the Holy Man
7. House of Greed
8. Godless
9. When the War Comes
10. There Will Be No Heaven For Me
11. Luke 4:57
12. No One Escapes Us


Crotchduster-Big Fat Box of Shit

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. True Nature of Williams
2. Big Top Williams
3. Cain Sings the Blues
4. Let Me into Starfish Land
5. Mr. Indigent Erection
6. Mammal Sauce
7. Jogging in Hell Forever
8. Star's Ingenious Cooter (live)
9. Crotchopus


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
1. Murmaider
2. Go into the Water
3. Awaken
4. Bloodtrocuted
5. Go Fourth and Die
6. Fansong
7. Better Metal Snake
8. Lost Vikings
9. Thunderhorse
10. Briefcase Full of Guts
11. Birthday Dethday
12. Hatredcopter
13. Castratikron
14. Face Fisted
15. Deathharmonic
16. Deththeme



Dog Fasion Disco-Adultery

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1. The Uninvited Guest
2. The Sacrifice of Miss Rose Covington
3. Silent Film
4. Sweet Insanity
5. Desert Grave
6. Moonlight City Drive
7. Private Eye
8. The Darkest Days
9. Dead Virgins Don't Sing
10. The Hitchhiker
11. 100 Suicides
12. Adultery
13. Mature Audiences Only


Strapping Young Lad-City

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1. Velvet Kevorkian
2. All Hail the New Flash
3. Oh My Fucking God
4. Detox
5. Home Nucleonics
6. AAA
7. Underneath the Waves
8. Room 429
9. Spirituality
